Friday, August 23, 2013

School Begins Today!

Clay and I just dropped Taylor off for her first one hour of school at Khabele. Just over two weeks ago, she met two of her Montessori guides for the first time, Madicyn and Paula. We greeted them at our front door and welcomed in their Zen energy with enthusiasm. T took to them right away and asked after them for days after they'd left. One week later, we went for a private visit to Taylor's classroom, Chickadee Casita. She was engaged immediately—especially with the one soft doll in the room and the aquarium of fish. Such is the female nature, I suppose. The question of nature/nurture has been answered for me. 

Last Friday, we followed up our classroom visit with a second date at the school in the company of a few other Chickadee students. Saturday was a potluck with all YCC (Young Children's Community) children and families invited. Then today, this very Friday morning, August 23rd, just 30 minutes ago, Clay and I left Taylor in the capable hands of her guides for her first hour at the school without us. Clay is working from home this morning and we're here in the strange and welcome quiet of our house. We're so excited for Taylor to have these mornings to learn, grow and socialize. She smiles and body wriggles when she says "We're going Khabele!!" How lucky we are to have this school so close by, and the opportunity to have her attend. We'll see you soon, Taylor!